This pack covers anything you may need for your trip to Gillhams Fishing Resorts!
Please note, due to availability the brands of some essential items may change
Each pack includes the following items:-
- 1 Pot of Pop-Ups
- 1 Pot of Wafters
- 1 Pot of Pre-Drilled Halibut Pellets
- 1 Pack of Size 4 Hooks
- 1 Pack of Size 2 Hooks
- 1 Pack of Swivels
- 1 Pair of Scissors
- 1 Long Latch Needle (ideal for bag work)
- 1 Boilie Needle
- 1 Spool of Hooklink suitable for Predators and Carp
- 1 Pack of Line Aligners
- Two Packs of 20 Slow Melt PVA Bags (Total 40 bags).
Gillhams Essentials Pack